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Feb 2, 2005 Minutes

Present: Chair Stone, Senators Sawey, Rao,  Montondon, Hazlewood,  Gillis, Fleming, James,  Shah, Bell-Metereau, Brennan, McKinney, Sorensen

Guests: University Star reporter, Melissa Johnson, Mike Boone, Elizabeth Frisbey, Dr. Augstin, Jen Beck


Meeting was called to order at 4:02.


I.    Mike Boone reported on the university club committee recommendations, which

included the following:  Improve hallway and facilities; keep it open during the summer; explore faculty-staff dining facility in more centralized, aesthetically pleasing location.


II. University Fund Drive

Elizabeth Frisbey, development officer, Jen Beck, interim associate vice president for university affairs, and Byron Augustin reported on the fund drive.  As reports come in, confidentiality is maintained.  Taking student scholarships to the endowed level is the goal.  There will be a “free lunch” for all departments that attain 100% participation.  Payroll deduction will begin May 1 for a 12-month or 9-month period. The theme is “we do this for the students.”  Taking into account inflation, and counting in constant dollars, the cost of education has gone up much more than the student’s ability to pay, as compared to 1985.  The committee asked that the senators encourage everyone to participate in giving.  The total amount is not as important as the percentage of participation.  Automatic deduction is easy to do for faculty and alumni.


III. Changes to Administrators Perception Survey

First page cover letter needs to have the numbers changed.  24 refers to bonus, but we don’t actually have bonus anymore.  Change vice president to provost.

Chair Stone will make changes and redistribute.


IV. Regents Rules

Senator James moved and Senator Gillis moved and seconded to take the motion off the table to revise rules, as suggested by Senator Hazlewood.  Remove the statement on the examples


V. PPS 2.11 Changes

Council of Deans will not get a second shot after the senate.  University council is removed from the process.  This will reduce the time necessary by

about a month.   5.1 talks about large size.  Senator Shah asked what this

means.  Senator Fleming asked if there are different standards based on the disciplines.  Senator Shah said that numbers should not dictate whether something should be a school, and therefore this should be deleted.


Senator Bell-Metereau suggested that instead of saying a large number, it should be “appropriate to the discipline.”


Senator Shah moved and Senator James seconded to approve the pps with minor editions as noted.


Dr. Bourgeois said that they deleted the section on fund-raising from departments and schools, at the suggestion of President Trauth.  This puts the burden of fundraising at the college level.  Chair Stone said this was in keeping with the aim of streamlining the process.



Background on the environmental issue will be sent in hard copy, since an electronic version is not currently available.  Senator Hazlewood moved and Senator Shah seconded the motion to approve the list as amended.  The PAAG items were approved and will be forwarded to the president and provost.


VII. New Business

Senator Shah discussed the idea of having meritorious status for those who already have full professor status.  Senator Shah described a way to compensate full professors who have been here for a long time.  This would improve productivity and performance, and perhaps help with the problem of salary compression.  Senator Shah volunteered to work with governance to explore the possibilities.


Volunteer to attend the meeting of Texas Faculty Senates.  Chair Stone said he would go, absent other volunteers.


Faculty reporting their time; turning in sick leave time electronically. 


Previous minutes from 1/26/05, 1/19/05 are approved with correction of typos (change “to” to “and”).  Senator Shah and Senator James moved and seconded to approve.


Meeting adjourned at 5:41.


Minutes submitted by Rebecca Bell-Metereau.