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Campus Carry

Senate Resolutions on Campus Carry

The Faculty Senate is a signatory of the following resolution issued by the Texas Council of Faculty Senates in 2009.


WHEREAS  allowing concealed firearms on university campuses threatens our ability to create and maintain a safe, open learning environment for students, faculty and staff, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the members of Texas Council of Faculty Senates oppose any legislation or initiatives that will overturn the present prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons on university campuses.

The Faculty Senate distributed the statement below to the Texas State University System in February 2015 prior to the passage of SB11.

The Texas State University Faculty Senate joins with the Texas Council of Faculty Senates, the Texas Faculty Association, the Texas Association of College Teachers, the Texas Association of College and University Police Administrators, the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, the Faculty Council of The University of Texas, Austin, and colleagues across the nation in voicing our position that carrying firearms, including concealed weapons, on university campuses by anyone other than law enforcement officers is detrimental to the safety of the students, faculty and staff.

Academic Department Statements