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Learning Outcomes

University Level Learning Outcomes:  GENERAL EDUCATION

General Education Core Curriculum Courses: PHIL 1305 & PHIL 1320

  1. Critical  Thinking  “Students  will  demonstrate  creative  thinking,  innovation,  inquiry,  and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information.”
  2. Communication  “Students  will  effectively  develop,  interpret  and  express  ideas  through written, oral and visual communication.”
  3. Social Responsibility “Students will demonstrate intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility  and  the  ability  to  engage  effectively  in  regional,  national,  and  global communities.”
  4. Personal Responsibility “Students will relate choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making.”


Departmental Learning Outcomes: GENERAL EDUCATION

 For PHIL 1305:

  1. After completion of PHIL 1305, students will be able to demonstrate improvement in their critical and moral thinking skills.
  2. After completion of PHIL 1305, students will be able to demonstrate the foundational and synoptic nature of philosophical inquiry.

For Phil 1320:

  1. After completion of Phil 1320, students will be able to demonstrate improvement in critical thinking skills.
  2. After completion of PHIL 1320, students will be able to demonstrate improvement in their understanding of the major approaches to ethics and their application to contemporary moral problems in society.



BA in Philosophy: Students completing a major in philosophy will develop a(n):

  1. An understanding of the history of philosophy, including knowing the seminal figures, their major doctrines and their methodologies.
  2. Proficiency in philosophical investigation, including the ability to interpret texts, explain theories, and identify relevant arguments.
  3. Proficiency in critical thinking, including the ability to ask relevant questions, examine different sides of an issue, and recognize and evaluate arguments.
  4. Proficiency in independent thinking, including the ability to develop and defend original positions.
  5. Proficiency in written and oral communication, understood as stating and defending a clear and substantive thesis, in writing and in conversation or presentations.

Master of Arts in Applied Philosophy and Ethics: Students obtaining the MA in Applied Philosophy and Ethics will

  1. have advanced knowledge of major theories and theoretical debates in Applied Philosophy and Ethics
  2. possess advanced knowledge of relevant literature in student’s area of concentration
  3. be able to apply relevant philosophical analysis to “real world” situations
  4. have skills to engage in productive, theoretically-informed dialogue.
  5. master methodologies and texts relevant to the student’s areas of concentration.

Graduate Certificate in Professional Ethics: Students obtaining the Graduate Certificate in Professional Ethics will be able to:

  1. define and differentiate theories of professionalism, professional ethics, and professional responsibility.
  2. employ theories of professional ethics and responsibility to evaluate choices, actions, and consequences in professional life.
  3. formulate analyses of the social context of professional behavior, choices, and actions.

BA in Religious Studies (proposed start in Fall 2020): Students obtaining the BA in religious Studies will

  1. be able to explain the key practices, beliefs, communities, and historical-geographical contexts of the world’s religions.
  2. develop religious literacy appropriate to working in religiously diverse environments.
  3. apply appropriate historical, literary, and social-scientific methods to religious phenomena and their contexts.
  4. analyze and critique primary and secondary sources, as well as popular concepts and media representations of religions.
  5. express their knowledge of religions cogently in written and oral forms.