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This video illustrates what it is like to cross this particular part of the street just before rush hour. It should give you a sense for what it's like to "cross over". It is best if you watch it in full-screen mode. The video is pretty big, so it might run rough until it buffers. I have also added a couple of pauses into the video to illustrate some things.

The flash of circle at the start was to show the rider without a helmet.  Being a "new-bie" at this whole video editing it didn't quite load like it did in my editing program.  

I took the video using my Sony DSC RX100 VI point and shoot camera's 4k video feature. I held it in my hand and pointed it into traffic as I crossed the street. This is what you deal with every time you cross the street unless you walk to a pedestrian overhead walk way - if there is one around anywhere. Look for another version taken at the same location the next day (on page 5. 




JULY, p. 9

AUGUST, p. 9

SEPTEMBER,  p. 2 , p. 3, p. 5