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Random Thoughts P 2


Today's Topic: Bones, shells, and cleavers. (note the color? Found a new rich editor program to use. not sure if I'm going to like it? the text seems a bit smaller and there is no option for changing the font size.).

Now, I've discussed this topic before, but it was in passing. This time, I'd like to revisit it after being here 79 days. Meat (thịt) or seafood (đồ ăn biểnd) in Vietnamese dishes often contains bones or the shell. While this is common in the states, as practiced in Hà Nội and the northern provinces (and I'm guessing in all of Việt Nam), it is different. Whereas the bone containing meats in the states are generally along the lines of larger pieces like BBQ ribs or a turkey/chicken drumstick, breast, or thigh, and the shells are usually attached to oyster/clam/or shrimp, the size of the pieces here, in Việt Nam, are bite size pieces. They take a large cleaver and Whack! Whack! bite size pieces in one fell swoop! Shrimp? none of this half-peeling or de-veining stuff, it's just throw it in and cook it as is! Although you can get away with using your fingers to pick up the nugget and gnaw away the meat in an informal settings, in public settings this is not encouraged. Now...because Vietnamese have a life-long history of using chopsticks, they can skillfully pick up amoeba-size grains of salt with a pair of chopsticks (you see where this is heading right?). On the other hand, we "chopstick-challenged" are left to continue to amuse and entertain our table-mates. Yup, 79-days-in: chopsticks - one, Paul - still struggling. You know, however, I have to say, I do pretty well with bamboo or wooden chopsticks, most of the time. And...using these, I have even managed to finally master the dreaded glass noodle (miến) - it was a messy battle, but at the end of the day...All Hail Paul!! All Hail Paul!! (little homage to MIB II there for you). 

I think my arrival in Việt Nam was foretold centuries ago in the ancient scrolls:

"And in the year of the Dog, 2018, there will come upon the land, a man. This man will come forth from the land of the ego that is known as,Texas; and he will be known as a Fulbrighter and named: Paul. This man will bring with him the strong desire to conquer the art of the chopstick. Be it known also, that should this man in Việt Nam will be changed forever: There will come upon the land monsoons, the like of which have never been seen. Dragons will rise again from the ground, and tourists wearing backpacks and sporting tatoos and beards will invade the land. Be it also known that in 1907, the year of the Sheep, a Belgian-American man will invent bakelite, and this bakelite will herald in the age of plastic. Plastic chopsticks will become the tool the people of Việt Nam will use to do battle with the Fulbrighter named Paul. But it will be the bite size piece of chicken (gà), beef (bò),or pork (lợn) that will, in the end, strike the mighty Fulbrighter to his knees and cause him to scream in agony: "Why? Why??, Why??? What was I thinking?" 

Plastic and slippery bones, plastic and wet noodles, plastic and fatty food, plastic and any food IS JUST PLAIN WRONG!! Who thought this up?? You see, wood and bamboo have little pieces of organic slivers that like to grab on to things. THAT'S WHY THEY MAKE THEM OUT OF THESE MATERIALS!!! IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE HERE PEOPLE!!

Alas, there are times that I must still use my fingers, even in public. It's that or lose weight...

black chicken
This is a dish called "black chicken" (Canh gà hầm thuốc bắc).
Those rascally long black PLASTIC chopsticks on the right are resting on a bowl of dipping sauce, the black thing sticking out 
of the bowl with the black chicken (the skin is actually black and the bird is about the size of a Cornish hen) is a metal flat-bottom spoon.
In the upper right is a plate of bread that has a very light drizzle of honey on it. Like my table mate said "...if they drenched it in honey, people would only eat one plate.
This way, you want to order more."  The red peppers are really hot and you add them to the dipping sauce to your taste. The Ramen noodles are covered in
black chicken sauce. Cost, INCLUDING drink: 120,000 VND ($5.15 USD)
Canh gà hầm thuốc bắc is beyond delicious and I highly recommend it to anyone who comes to Việt Nam!!

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