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Council of Chairs

Judy Oskam, Director, Journalism and Mass Communication, Chair (T)
Angela Ausbrooks, Director, Social Work, Vice Chair (T)
Natalie Ceballos, Chair, Psychology, Secretary (T)
Jeff Helgeson, Chair, History, Past Chair (T)

Mimi Pizzini, Chair, Accounting (T)
Gary Foster, Chair, Aerospace Studies (AFROTC) (T)
Madan Dey, Chair, Agricultural Sciences (T)
Emily Brunson, Acting Chair, Anthropology (T)
Beth Thomas, Director, Art and Design (T)
Dittmar Hahn, Chair, Biology (T)
William Brittain, Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry (T)
Rodney Rohde, Program Chair, Clinical Laboratory Science (T)
Lori Stiritz, Chair, Communication Disorders (T)
Erik Timmerman Chair, Communication Studies (T)
Alexander McLeod, Chair, Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods (T)
Hongchi Shi, Chair, Computer Science (T)
Kevin Fall, Chair, Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology (T)
Christine Sellers, Director, Criminal Justice and Criminology (T)
Glenna Billingsley, Chair, Curriculum and Instruction (T)
Jesus Jimenez, Director, Engineering (T)
William James Wilde, Chair, Engineering Technology (T)
Victoria Smith, Chair, English (T)
Lynn Ledbetter, Chair, Faculty Senate (R)
Andrew Behnke, Director, Family and Consumer Sciences (T)
Haiyong Liu, Chair, Finance and Economics (T)
Yongmei Lu, Chair, Geography (T)
Scott Kruse, Director, Health Administration (T)
Ron Williams, Chair, Health and Human Performance (T)
David Gibbs, Chair, Health Information Management (T)
Heather Galloway, Dean, Honors College (R)
William McDowell, Chair, Management (T)
Enrique Becerra, Chair, Marketing (T)
Susan Morey, Chair, Mathematics (T)
Lakicia Stokes, Chair, Military Science (Army ROTC) (T)
Todd Sullivan, Director, Music (T)
Marla Erbin-Roesemann, Director, Nursing (T)
Shetay Ashford-Hanserd, Chair, Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies (T)
Craig Hanks, Chair, Philosophy (T)
Janet Bezner, Chair, Physical Therapy (T)
Mark Holtz, Chair, Physics (T)
Kenneth Grasso, Chair, Political Science (T)
Megan Trad, Program Chair, Radiation Therapy (T)
Gregg Marshall, Chair, Respiratory Care (T)
Toni Watt, Chair, Sociology (T)
Sarah Maines, Interim Chair, Theatre and Dance (T)
Kambra Bolch, Associate Dean, University College (R)
Lucy Harney, Chair, World Languages and Literatures (T)

Makes recommendations to the Academic Affairs Council, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President on all matters affecting academics at Texas State.