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Phi Sigma Tau Honor Society

The Texas State Delta Chapter, founded in 1982, is part of Phi Sigma Tau, the National Honor Society for Philosophy.

PurposePST logo

To serve as a means of awarding distinction to students having high scholarship and personal interest in philosophy, to promote students interest in research and advanced study in this field; to provide opportunities for the publication of student research papers of merit; to encourage a professional spirit and friendship among those who have displayed marked ability in this field; to popularize interest in philosophy among the general collegiate public.



Our aims are expressed in the Greek motto, Philoúnton Sophían Timé, which means ‘‘the honor of those who love wisdom.’’  This expresses well the character of Phi Sigma Tau. It honors academic excellence and philosophical concern. It reminds us that the quest for truth is not the province of a single culture or time or person, but that there is a unity among all those who seek knowledge.

The Key of Phi Sigma Tau (above) represents this by a pentagon, each of the five angles containing a symbol which represents one of the five great streams of world thought: Chinese, Indian, Islamic, Hebrew, and Greek.



Induction Ceremony

Each Fall, during Homecoming weekend, we welcome new members to Phi Sigma Tau during the annual Alumni Banquet.



Eligibility Requirements

  • 9 hrs of Philosophy (completed) with a minimum B average
  • A minimum GPA of 2.75

Note: There is a one-time national initiation fee of $25.00


More Information Contact

Rebekah Ross

Amelie Benedikt