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Student Organization Accounting System


UPPS 03.01.10 Student Organization Accounting System

The following information is provided for student organizations approved through UPPS 03.01.10 to use the Student Organization Accounting System, which is housed in SAP and the method of accounting for deposits and payments from a student organization account.


For deposit forms, visit the University Revenue Deposits page.

GL 417000: Revenue Deposits                                                                             
GL 773000: Return of Unused Cash Advance Funds

Vendor Numbers Quick Guide

Searching for Vendor Number in SAP

  • Vendors are required to have an SAP vendor number to be paid for their services. If a vendor does not exist in SAP, send an email to requesting that the vendor be added. The Procurement & Strategic Sourcing office will then generate an invite to the vendor to provide their information in the required electronic format.
  • Reimbursements use either the vendor's SAP number or 700001, if no vendor number exists. Vendor number 700001 may only be used for refunds or reimbursements, not goods or services. When using 700001, the complete mailing address must be provided.
  • For payments to Texas State departments, enter "TXSTATE."

Expense GL Codes Guide

Use the most appropriate expense GL code for the payment being processed.  More than one may be required.

Expense GLDescription
729900Payment of Services / Honorarium / Speakers
740600Rental of Equipment
747000Rental of Space
770001Cash Awards / Prizes
773000Reimbursements, Supplies, Registrations, Travel, Cash Advances

Faculty & Staff Advisor Information

Contact Information

Vendor Set UpProcurement & Strategic
Student Organization Account Creation/UpdateFinancial Reporting &
DepositsCashier's Office(512) 245-2544
Payment StatusAccounts
Sales TaxPayroll & Tax
1099 RequirementsPayroll & Tax
Student Organization InformationStudent Involvement @ LBJSC(512) 245-3219
Account BalancesStudent Organization Advisor