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e-NPO Certification Statement


Certification Statement

When reimbursing employees for expenses via the e-NPO process, the employee must certify the validity of the expenses and that they have not been reimbursed by any other means. If the employee seeking reimbursement is creating their own e-NPO, the document submitted in SAP will serve as the employee's certification.

If an employee seeking reimbursement has someone else (e.g. administrative assistant) create the e-NPO on their behalf, the following statement (or similar language which includes the context below) with the e-NPO reimbursement amount stated must be attached:

  • This email serves as my signature and validation of the $###.## in expenses listed on this e-NPO with the corresponding receipts attached. I certify that the expenses are correct, were paid with my personal funds, and have not been paid or reimbursed previously by the university nor by any other means.

The above statement template is provided for your benefit and may save time in drafting a certification statement. Be sure to insert the reimbursement amount in the statement template. The person creating the e-NPO for the employee can email them the certification statement draft for review and to respond either "Approve" or "Agree." Their response provides the date and email credentials for the person agreeing to the certification statement content. That email should be attached to the e-NPO. This is simpler than creating a Word document for the employee to sign, date, and scan back to the e-NPO creator.

Payment processing delays may occur should a different statement be submitted which does not include the required information and/or language similar to the template.