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March 9, 2005 Minutes

Present: President Trauth, Provost Moore, Chair Stone, Senators Sawey, Rao, Conroy, Montondon, Sorensen, Hazlewood,  Homeyer, Fleming,  Shah,
Bell-Metereau, Brennan, McKinney
Guests:; Clayton Medford, University Star Reporter; Dr. Pat Cassidy, Provost’s office; Dr. Gene Bourgeois, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. Joanne Smith, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Ms. Micky Henry, VPAA office. 
Meeting was called to order at 4:02.
I. PAAG Items
a. UPPS 07.03.02 Scheduling of Residential Facilities for Special Activities Chair Stone explained that the university loses a valuable recruiting tool by making the summer camp facilities more expensive.  The School of Music will cancel those camps that have not progressed too far. Dr. Smith explained that money from camps does not provide much income, and that the increase for camps parallels the increase in regular-year residence hall students.  Dr. Trauth said this was an important issue, and Dr. Moore said he wanted to have a look at continuing education in general to address this problem.  Senator Sawey said that there might be some parts of the amount per room that could be waived, since these rooms would still need to be air-conditioned etc., anyway. 
b. Compliance with PPS 7.05 Faculty Workload Policy
There are two kinds of workload reports.  One has been long discontinued.  Chair Stone asked if this could be addressed, and Dr. Bourgeois said that the workload report is available for faculty who wish to see it. Faculty records has not been generating the working report, but the current workload reports will be on file in departments for all faculty to see.  The distribution of the workload report, as requested by the senate, doesn’t really occur.  Dr. Bourgeois said this could be done.  Senator Shah said this should be distributed at the beginning of the semester, not in the middle.  Currently it is not sent in electronic format, but if it were, this would facilitate distribution to faculty.  Could we modify the PPS to get it distributed?
c. Round Rock Teaching Incentives
Dr. Moore said there were about 50 recommendations, and no consensus on any of them.  The deans agreed that we needed more programs, and he will follow up on the exact programs that will be developed.  Recommendations were as follows:
$2,000 to $3,000 per course taught at Round Rock
Course release in addition to the stipend
It is unlikely that people will get both.
Travel money would be another incentive
Interactive video conferencing or audio conferencing
More ITV rooms
Workload adjustments for ITV instructors
Direct reporting line from director to the provost
Senator Shah asked about the target deadlines for implementation, and Dr. Moore said this would be gradual.
Dr. Moore said teaching at Round Rock would count as service.
d. Legislative Update
President Trauth said that K-12 education is the dominant issue, but she has been advocating seven items, including the adoption of the new funding formula, one that is cost-based.  We would benefit from this as a university.  Funding for Texas grants is another important item she is promoting.  Dr. Trauth says she is optimistic about the funding.  We gave up “institutional enhancement,” on the 5% cut, since we weren’t benefiting much from that anyway.  We are actually in better shape, relatively speaking, now, with plans to use money in the following ways:  1. One-time money into academic departments to support travel, ($300,000); 2. second phase of faculty salary market adjustments, ($750,000);  3. net new faculty positions; 4. pay raises
Our highest priorities are an academic building here, second in Round Rock; deferred maintenance; fine arts and communications performance space. We are requesting appropriations for Round Rock, Engineering, and support for a nursing program.  If the nursing program is not funded, we will not be able to go ahead with it.  A study of costs indicates that nursing and engineering are not as expensive as initially determined, but agriculture was more expensive.
Senator Sawey asked the status of UT and A & M in terms of formula funding, and Dr. Trauth said that A & M was coming out ahead and UT was coming out flat.
II. ID Card Service Expansion Project Report
Sharon Nusbaum and John Root gave a report on this project.  Students may choose a bank affiliation: single ID card with Bobcat Bucks, vending machines, and laundry facilities. Secure on-line banking will be available.  This is a PIN–based debit card.  Everyone will get a new card.  They will try to get faculty and staff done this summer.  Photographs will be stored electronically.
III. Quality of Life Meeting
Chair Stone asked if anyone had anything that needed to be done on March 23, so that we could cancel the senate meeting so that people could attend the Quality of Life meeting.
IV. Update on College Curriculum Committees
Chair Stone said that these should be elected groups.  The Provost said that the people will be appointed for this first round and then run elections next year.  The issue of conflicts in curriculum is still problematic.  The university committee might never see conflicts, and therefore the senate needs to keep an eye on this issue.  Senator Shah moved and Senator McKinney seconded to suspend the rules, and they then moved to approve the appointment.
V. New Business and Approval of Minutes
Senator Homeyer moved and Senator Brennan seconded a motion to approve 3/2/05 minutes, with the motion passing unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45.
Minutes submitted by Rebecca Bell-Metereau.