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Oct 30, 2002 Minutes


Approved Senate Minutes

October 30, 2002

Senators Present: Bell-Metereau, Blanda, Brennan, Frost, Gordon, Gillis, James, Hindson, Peeler, Renick, Sawey, Stone, Stutzman

Guests Present: Bob Panke COC, Mickey Henry, Anne Marie Ellis, Lawrence Estaville

Call to Order, Welcome and Review of Agenda

Salary Compression Study  (Senator Stutzman)

Motion: That the Senate endorses the subcommitteeĆ­s request for data (Memorandum of October 23, 2002) and moved that it be forwarded to Joe Myers via the VPAA (Stone, Gillis) Discussion: centered around research models other than the one used by the University of Houston and the possibility of external funding for the project. (passed unanimously)

Motion: The Senate requested this years (FY02-FY03) faculty salary data for all instructors of record from the VPAA. (Sawey, Brennan) (passed unanimously)

IDEA Survey Deans and Chairs

Discussion on how the Senate should deal with the IDEA data on the Deans and Chairs which was obtained from the VPAA through an open records request.

Motion:  Senators will individually receive the data, but that there would be no public release of the data until the subcommittee on evaluation comes back with a recommendation as to the appropriate use of the data. (Hindson, James) (passed unanimously)

Response to Facilities Report  (Senator Peeler)

The Senate expressed its thanks to Nancy Nusbaum for her excellent report on the current construction plans and deferred maintenance for the SWT campus. The Senate also expressed gratitude for her offer to include a senate representative on the Facilities Subcommittee. Senator Frost was recommended by acclamation. Several senators also expressed their concerns with the amount of deferred maintenance and its potential impact on the future of the university.

Faculty Workload Compliance Report

Senate Chair, Oren Renick, informed the senate that he had sent a memo to Robert Gratz VPAA requesting that university reassess its position on the workload compliance issue and suspend the study pending additional discussions (See attached memo). to be added when available

Curriculum Committee Recommendations (Roy Martin)

Motion to table pending the receipt of additional information. (Sawey, Stone) (passed 9-3)

Curriculum Committee Structure and Process Change Recommendations
(Roy Martin and/or Daniel Lochman)

Discussion of: Proposal for Changes to the Charge and Structure of the Curriculum Committee 10/23/2002

Dr. Martin expressed that the Curriculum Committee had voted in favor of the proposed changes (14-2) so he was therefore presenting them to the Senate. The most significant change would be the establishment of College Curriculum Committees in all of the colleges that currently do not have them. There would also be a shifting of specific responsibilities from the University Curriculum Committee to the respective College Curriculum Committees.

After significant discussion which included the role of Deans in curriculum and how the Curriculum Committee should be appointed, the issue was referred to the Senate Subcommittee on Curriculum.

Old Business

Parking and Transportation Concerns
Several senators expressed ongoing concerns with university parking problems and the fact that the University committee is heavily loaded with people reporting to the VP for Student affairs

Junk Email

Senate - CAD Meeting, Tues. 11/19/02, 3 - 5 p.m. confirmed

Faculty Representative - MITC Feasibility Study Committee, San Antonio
Dr. Mike Pierson was appointed

Texas Council of Faculty Senates Austin, 10/25-10/26/02

New Business

External Grants at SWT - Applying, Administering, and Accountability (Schedule)

Approval of the minutes for the October 22 and 23, 2002 meetings.
Moved for approval (Stutzman, James) (passed unanimously)

Adjournment 6:15 PM