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Aug 30, 2000 Minutes

Senators Present:  M. Blanda, M. Brennan, M. Gillis, J. Hays, A.  McKinney, B. Peeler, O. Renick, R. Sawey, E. Skerpan-Wheeler, T. Stimmel, B. Stone, J. Stutzman

Call to Order: 4:05 p.m.

Planning for the 2000-2001 Senate Year

Topics for the PAAG meeting of 9/6/00 were discussed.  The following agenda items were selected:
¸ Academic honesty (UPPS No. 07.10.01 & prior PAAG discussions);
¸ Compliance by department chairs with UPPS on merit awards to faculty;
¸ The use of reserves to fund doctoral program start ups (projected amount and timeline to replenish reserves) and
¸ Board of Regents meeting in Alpine.

Other priorities and issues to be addressed at future senate meetings were reviewed: They include the following:
¸ Faculty personnel files, including student evaluations and the Open Records Act - University attorney Fly to be
    contacted for presentation;
¸ Information technology - VP Wyatt to meet with senate on 9/13/00 (Sawey and Stone to prepare questions to facilitate
    discussion; Academic Computing Committee to be invited);
¸ University budget - VP Nance and Auditor Thyberg to be contacted for presentation (Budget Committee to be invited);
¸ Academic honesty - student affairs division representative Morton to be invited to discuss UPPS No. 07.10.01 in detail;
¸ Grants accounting - AVP Covington to be invited for status report, and review of handbook and relevant PPS;
¸ University police - invite Chief Megerson to report on service activities;
¸ Future PAAG agendas - SCH targets, space allocations for doctoral programs and grants; and
¸ Miscellaneous items - improve retirement information to faculty and staff (PPS seems vague, involve Retirement
    Committee), refer new prescription drug formularies to Insurance Committee for review, and review senate election

Universities Subsidizing Federal Grants

AVP Covington will be asked to respond to recent media reports of universities subsidizing federal research (Austin American Statesman, 7-28-00).

Survey Activity

Senator Sawey reviewed the status of the periodic senate survey of faculty via the web page.  The senate authorized (Stone/Gillis) the release of the initial survey concerning the proposed university name change.

Program Review Appointments

Chair Hays reviewed numerous proposed appointments and a way to facilitate final selections.  By consensus, the senate concurred and agreed to assist Senator Hays.

New Business - none

Minutes for 7/26/00 approved.