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March 8, 2000 Minutes

Senators Present: M. Blanda, M. Conroy, S. Gordon, J. Hays,

J. McGee, B. Peeler, O. Renick, R. Sawey, E. Skerpan-Wheeler,
T. Stimmel, and B. Stone

Absent: J. Bible, M. Gillis

Guests: M. Moore

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.

I.    Welcome of New Senators

Chair Hays welcomed new senators Blanda and Sawey representing the College of Science.
Senator Sawey will complete G. Early's term and Senator Blanda will complete J. Irvin's term.

II.    Coordinating Board Request for Higher Education Goals

Chair Hays reviewed Coordinating Board correspondence requesting recommendation
from faculty for a new higher education plan.  Specifically, the Board is seeking
suggestions for the two or three most important higher education goals for the state.

Discussion of this request, facilitated by written suggestions from Senator Stone, resulted
in the identification of the following priorities for goal development:

(1)    Increased teaching faculty participation on Board committees
(2)    Increased higher education oversight of the programs and courses presently accepted as
         meeting student prerequisite requirements;
(3)    Increased commitment to quality in the classroom (use of adjuncts, off campus courses,
         distance education courses, more effective evaluation and reward of teaching excellence
         and other issues.)

The Senate requested Chair Hays to meet with Dean Brown to discuss these priorities,
seek consensus and report to the Senate concerning further action needed to respond to the Board.

III.    Insurance Committee Report

Senator Renick presented a recommendation to include in the next patient satisfaction report
information about physicians who have been praised by SWT employees in recent patient
satisfaction surveys.  The Senate enthusiastically endorsed this recommendation.

IV.    Smallwood Request for Correction to the Minutes of 2-2-2000

This request to more accurately state the impact of repeating a course on a student's transcript
and GPA was approved. Chair Hays and Mrs. Aguirre will revise the archival version of the minutes.

V.    New Grievance Committee Members

Chair Hays will initiate the spring election process.

VI.    New Business

The following items were addressed:

(1)    B. Smallwood has requested a Registration committee member to replace G. Early.
        Action -    Senate recommendation to be acted on by Chair Hays and reported at the next meeting.

(2)    The Senate request for ad hoc members to the Athletic Advisory Council has been approved.
        Action -    Chair Hays will request the Budget and Academic Standards Committees to each
        select one person to fill these positions.

(3)    The Academic Standards Committee has reported and recommends removal of the limit on the number
        of hours earned via credit by examination (most Texas higher education institutions have removed limits.)
        Action -    Approved following discussion expressing some reservations.

(4)    Faculty Bonus and Excellence Awards Program
        Action -    The Senate restated its support of increasing the excellence awards to $5,000 for
        university  awards and $2,000 for each colleges final nominee.
        Action -    By unanimous vote, the Senate approved the motion (Stone, Gordon) to oppose monetary
        awards to nominees other than the university recipient and each college's final nominee.

(5)   Class notes Posted on Web sites by Companies
        Action -    Request a presentation by Attorney Fly regarding faculty property rights.

(6)    Campus Space Allocations
        Action -    Request a presentation by N. Nusbaum about the work of the Facilities Committee.

(7)    Information Technology at SWT
        Action -    Requested a presentation by Information Technology VP Wyatt based on a
        forthcoming preliminary report.

(8)    Research Enhancement Program Draft PPS
         Action -    Senator Conroy will review this document with the Senate at its next meeting.

(9)    Distance Education Committee
        Action - Request a presentation by G. Martin at a future Senate meeting including online program evaluation,
        workload credit, etc.

(10)  Space Allocations to Vendors in the Quad
        Action -    Request a clarification from VP Studer, including priorities, standard and the appropriateness of
        and alternative site for vendors.

The minutes of 3-1-2000 were approved as corrected.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.