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Dec 2, 1998 Minutes

Senators Present: Anderson, Bible, Conroy, Gillis, Gordon, Irvin,
Pascoe, Renick, Sawey, Skerpan, Stimmel, and Winek

Senators Absent: Hays and McGee

Guests: Pres. Supple, VPAA Gratz, AssocVPAA Cassidy, Grant Simpson, Jovita
Ross-Gordon, Kathy Fleuriet

PAAG Social
Distance Learning
Old Business
Developmental Leave Evaluations
Minutes of 11-18-98

The PAAG Social began at 3:30 p.m. Chair Bible called the meeting to order at
4:00 p.m.


Distance Learning

Profs. Simpson, Ross-Gordon, and Fleuriet presented information about
distance learning, their experiences, and current SWT efforts and support, and
suggested questions we need to ask and things we need to consider as we become
more involved in distance learning.

Pres. Supple said that the SWT administration is supporting individual
faculty efforts, that he expects the new VP for Informational Technology to use
the work of the Technology Task Force to develop a comprehensive plan which will
include distance learning, and that the Geography Department has submitted a
proposal for a master's program which will be delivered via distance learning.
He and VPAA Gratz also said that distance learning is not a cost saving measure,
but is something SWT should pursue for "self-protection" as other institutions
which provide such opportunities could impact our enrollment, because it is a
way to reach students we cannot otherwise reach, because it would provide
options for our students, and because it could be a way to support instruction
in public schools -- especially those in rural areas.


Senators asked questions and expressed concerns about a number of
issues related to distance learning, e.g. the lack of infrastructure to support
faculty as they become involved in distance learning, the impact on faculty
workload and on faculty-student interaction, the theoretical model (Descartian)
upon which distance learning might be based, and the potential "deskilling" of


Pres. Supple will check on the availability of free parking stickers for
families of clients working with SWT students completing practicum requirements
on campus (.e.g, Reading & Writing Center, Counseling Practicum, Special Ed.
Clinic, Speech & Hearing Clinic).

VPAA Gratz will check on the results of the survey of satisfaction with
the ORSP conducted last year and report back to the Senate.


Developmental Leave Evaluations

Senate recommendations on development leave applications will be sent to
the Council of Deans and the VPAA. The Senate voted to notify candidates who
receive a positive endorsement (those with a composite ranking of at least 1.0
on a 0-3 scale) that their applications will be forwarded with our endorsement.
The Senate also voted to notify those who failed to meet the 1.0 minimum that
their application will be forwarded but without an endorsement; these applicants
will be invited to contact Chair Bible if they wish to obtain sample comments
from the Senate ranking forms to help them with future applications.


At a recent meeting, the Senate voted to ask the Board of Regents to
include "sexual orientation" in their antidiscrimination rules; subsequently a
faculty member submitted a request that the Senate conduct a campuswide faculty
poll on this issue. The Senate voted unanimously not to do so. Many Senators
expressed the opinion that we function as a representative democracy on this
campus, with elected Senators acting as the spokespeople for faculty interests.


The minutes of 11/18 were approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.