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July 19, 1995 Minutes

Present: Caverly, Horne, Hunter, Lyman, Middlebrook, Sawey, Stedman,
Swinney,and Winek.

Absent: Bible, Deduct, Ford, Glassman, Pascoe, Weller

Guests: Prof. Mimi Tangum; students Adolph Trudeau and Amber Scott;
Mike Moore; Sandra Akridge.


26 Research Committee Report
29 Committee on Committees Report
108 Budget Cycle, FY96 (Faculty Raise Strategy)
62 Modified Retirement Draft
Next Meeting

The meeting began at 2:17 when a quorum was achieved.

26 Research Committee Report

Upon the recommendation the Faculty Research Committee, Michel
Conroy, Chair, the Senate approved fifteen research enhancement grants
totaling $66,218. Applicants in the spring review will be notified in a few
days by the Office of Sponsored Projects.

SWT's organized research appropriation for FY96 is $289,041. This
leaves $223,512 for allocation during the upcoming fall review cycle.

Also upon recommendation of the Committee, the Senate approved the
following change in wording in paragraph II (A) of the Research Enhancement
Program Guidelines: "Applicants may submit only one proposal, whether working
alone or as part of a group, for each review and may receive only one award
per granting period." The effect of this change will be to allow candidates
unsuccessful in the spring review to revise proposals and resubmit them in
the fall.

29 Committee on Committees Report

The Senate went through the Committee on Committees Report line by
line to identify faculty who have resigned and are no longer available for
committee service or who appear in some way inappropriate for the assignment
recommended. Replacements will be selected and final action on the Committee's
report will be taken at the August meeting.

108 Budget Cycle, FY96 (Faculty Raise Strategy)

The Senate reviewed the current situation with regard to faculty
raises for FY96:

1) There will be a 3% performance raise (conforming with the
guidelines in PPS 7.10) effective September 1 and included in the Annual
Operating Budget which will be published in August.

2) A 2% pool of funds has been set aside for distribution in the
fall for some combination, not yet determined, of merit raises, bonuses,
and salary adjustments.

3) The legality of bonuses is once again dubious because the
last legislature did not reenact the bonus rider which had been attached
to previous appropriation bills.

Earlier this summer the Senate recommended that if merit were to
be given it should take the form of bonuses. This recommendation was
predicated on the opinion that merit has not worked that well at SWT in
the past. Now, if bonuses turn out to be illegal, there is concern that
the 2% pool will automatically default to a traditional merit cycle in
the fall. Also, at this point Senators have no clear understanding of
how salary adjustments might be handled.

This subject will be returned to the agenda on August 2.
Bill Nance, VPF&SS, has been invited to that meeting so that the Senate
can have the most authoritative financial and legislative information
possible before deciding whether or not we have additional recommendations
to make on this subject. Interested faculty should share their points of
view with their Faculty Senator.

62 Modified Retirement Draft

A preliminary draft revision of UPPS 04.04.51, Voluntary
Modification of Employment Plan for Faculty, was distributed for
information by Chair Swinney. The Senate referred the draft to an
ad hoc committee composed of three Senators and three representatives
of the Council of Chairs for study and recommendation. Because of the
importance of this subject, the Senate asked that the draft be given
very wide circulation. Copies are available on request from the
Senate Office (8323), will be distributed to CAD, and in a couple of
days will available via E-Mail. The academic community will be notified
when the ad hoc committee begins its deliberations.

Next Meeting

The Senate tentatively decided to meet next on August 2 at 4:00
in Alkek 106. This date and time will be changed only if it is
ascertained that a quorum cannot be secured.

The meeting adjourned at 4:02.