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Committee Membership

It is the responsibility of the appropriate Vice President Office (VP) to contact the "chair of the committee/council/team" to review and recommend changes. The committee designation is in parenthesis following the name of the committee. All VPs are responsible for their division representation. Faculty Senate is responsible for the Faculty Senate committees.


Texas State University has adopted the usage of gender-neutral language that circumvents bias and prejudice towards a particular sex or social gender. As such, monikers such as Ms., Mr., and Dr. are no longer included on the University Roster when addressing faculty, staff, and students.


All appointments of committee, council, and team members should be assigned a T, if membership is determined by title or R, if membership representing an area/department/division. All changes to a particular committee/council/team must be directed to the designated VP.


The Roster will be posted on the university website in August. All changes must be approved by the appropriate Vice President's Office; no changes will be made after February 28.