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Oct 6, 2004 Minutes

Members present: Chair Stone, Senators Sawey, Rao, Gillis, James, Shah, Homeyer, Hazlewood, Bell-Metereau, Warms, Brennan, McKinney, Sorensen, Montondon, Fleming Faculty Senate staff, Ms. Inglet

Guests:  President Trauth, Provost Moore, University Star reporter, Chris Robinson

4:00 Chair Stone called to order the combined PAAG and Senate meeting.


I. Enrollment Management

President Trauth and Provost Moore explain issues of enrollment management.

Student Affairs once housed the Enrollment Management with an Associate Vice President for Student Affairs


Financial aid and the registrar have an important role to play.  Academic Affairs will handle financial aid and admissions to Academic Affairs and be aligned with the graduate school.  Athletics will be removed from Student Affairs.  The NCAA has been saying that there has to be institutional control of athletics at the presidential level.


Student Affairs will be in charge of retention.


Senator Shah asked where growth would come from, and the provost said that we will look at where faculty will not be sufficient for the potential influx of students.  We will look at which areas can grow and which should not, and organize a plan around those decisions.  We also need to look at Hispanic Serving Institution goal.


President Trauth said that we Senator Sawey asked about how growth would


Bell-Metereau asked about how Curriculum review would fit into enrollment management.


Hopefully some of this happened in the strategic planning process.  Engage in serious review of learning outcomes at undergraduate level. 


Senator Rao asked about the time period and resources, and Dr. Moore said that it would be sometime this summer, with Dr. Studer filling in that function for the time being.  She asked if the 18% would be in SCH or total number, and Dr. Moore said that it would be good to increase the credit hour rather than the number of people enrolled.  Right now it is only a bit over 3 hours per graduate student.


What kind of graduate enrollment could be have that would be most useful for our undergraduates?  Large classes could be assisted with more breakout sections.  Enrollment management also means enrollment marketing.


Texas State has an important role in educating students in the corridor and across the state.  This will require new faculty.


Senator Sawey commented on the growth from 1967, and Dr. Moore said that he hopes with teaching theater classes that students have the opportunity to participate in breakout sections or in junior and senior classes that are small.


Senator Conroy asked for a summary of the positions and recruitment from inside and outside.  Dr. Trauth said we are moving financial aid, undergraduate admissions to academic affairs.  A national search for associate Vice President of Academic Affairs will probably come from a national search.  Athletics is moving out of student affairs and into the office of the president. No administrator position is going away.  We’re moving a major portion of student affairs to other areas, so it isn’t certain who will still be necessary in the registrar’s office, financial aid, and student affairs.


Associate vice president for academic affairs is a new position to be filled in the provost office from within the university.


Senator Sawey asked if people who have moved to special assistant positions will eventually return to teaching positions and faculty salaries.  Dr. Moore commented that the role of the chair, terms, evaluation, and salaries is relevant to this discussion.  He would not like to see chairs retain the high salaries after leaving the office, as recommended by the committee.  He would like to see an added administrative stipend.  If the returning salary is out of line with the other faculty, the provost will adjust this.  This policy would apply to all chairs.  There will be no grandfathering of this policy, since what is fair for one is fair for all.  The administration can set up a schedule of summative reviews for those who have been in their position the longest, to avoid having all the chairs in a college end their terms at the same time.  The same policy may apply to the deans and vice presidents as well.


Senator James asked how the faculty senate evaluations would be taken into account.  What about a chair’s open records request for faculty evaluations. 


Senator Bell-Metereau asked why faculty senate would need to conduct evaluations, if the university has a truly effective evaluation system.  What if there were a discrepancy? 


Senator Brennan asked about the duties of the associate vice president for academic affairs.  Dr. Moore said he would like to see the position filled by January.  Faculty records, contracts, and curriculum would be the responsibilities.  This person should be well respected.


Senator Montondon asked for an organizational chart.


Chairs are administrators rather than faculty currently, and Senator Conroy asked about research expectations. Dr. Moore would not like to see chairs considering themselves primarily as administrators.  They need to be colleagues as well as leaders of the university.


Dr. Trauth questioned the direction of having chairs act primarily as administrators, but the presence of terms and summative evaluations may alter the perception and role of the chair.  Chairs should engage in scholarly pursuits, in order to maintain their credibility.


Faculty Senate Meeting:


Announcements:  We have responded to the chair’s open record request, giving a typed version.


Senator Fleming asked if there was a different evaluation from the Faculty Senate’s.  Some deans did evaluations.


Senator Conroy asked if Dr. Moore could counsel chairs on requests for open records, but it is illegal to do anything that has a chilling effect on such requests.  Dr. Moore could make general recommendations on the use of evaluations at a meeting of the council of chairs.


Jon Bible has a deposition filed in his role as ombudsman.  The attorney general’s office represents the state.  Chair Stone will keep the senate apprised of the situation.


Chair Stone gave information on the salary data, and James and Gillis moved and seconded a motion to post it, as is (with some errors). 


Senate endorsement of the UCLA survey:


Senators asked what was the benefit of the survey.  Senators James and Shah

moved to reject endorsement.   Motion passed 8 to 4 with one abstention.

Senator Conroy and Sawey moved and seconded a motion to request information on the use of the data in order to reconsider the request.  10 in favor and 3 opposed.


Honor Council:

Senator Gillis volunteered to serve, Senator Brennan proposed Dwight Watson, history, James suggested Michelle Hamilton.  We need four more.  Dr. Blanda was suggested, and Shah suggested Dan Flaherty. Senators Conroy said she would email further suggestions.  Mr. Gomez has altered section three of the honor code.


Texas Council of Faculty Senates:


Senator Sawey will volunteer as a representative. 


PAAG follow-up:

Chair salaries; how soon will document be implemented?

Move forward on this; full disclosure on salary histories, since it doesn’t appear as a stipend. Organizational chart; senate has charged budget committee with administration costs, including special assistants to the president.  Some lateral movements have not been counted.  Proliferation of associate vice presidents is a continuing concern. We appreciate provost’s specificity and candor on chair issues and the post-Tenure review policy.  We would like for it to be distributed by email.

This would be a good newsletter item.  We would like salaries in order to know

much the reorganization is costing.   We would also like to know if academic

components will be eventually reorganized.


Senior Lecturers:

We have inquired about new ranks.  The governance committee could look at this issue.


Constitution revision committee:

The committee will look at suggested definitions of voting member.


New Business:

Senator asked the status of the faculty handbook committee, and the chair said it should be back to us by the end of the semester.  John McClaren in Criminal Justice chairs the committee.


Developmental leaves are due Nov. 1. 


The model of equity adjustments is poor, because it doesn’t take into account the number of years people are in rank.


Contact Joe Myers on the previous model to meet with us in the spring.


Motion to approve 9/8/04, 9/15/04, 9/22/04, 9/29/04 with revisions.


Adjourned 5:50.