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Oct 9, 2002 Minutes



Approved Senate Minutes
October 09, 2002

Senators Present:  Bell-Metereau, Blanda, Brennan, Frost, Gillis, James, Hindson, Peeler, Renick, Sawey, Stone, Stutzman,

Senators Absent:  Conroy (Eric Weller attended for Conroy)

Guests: Dr. Trauth, Dr. Gratz, R. Northcutt, F. Horn, M. Vaverek, G. Korenck, A. Smith

4:00 Call to Order, welcomed guests

I. Proceeded to PAAG Agenda Items

A. Rationale for closed CAD Meetings - Chair Renick noted concerns that faculty had worked to get meetings open and questioned the use of closed meetings
Dr. Gratz responded: (1) pilot test this concept for one semester only and (2) currently there is no staff meeting time scheduled, therefore he needs to use this time twice a month to meet with all deans. Dr. Gratz noted that minutes will be kept.

B. Status of Post-Tenure Review  - Dr. Gratz asked for recommendations from the Senate on the issue of Post-Tenure Review.  Recommendations from the senate were: (1) Senators Stone and Hindson to remain on the committee, and (2) the “Committee Draft” policy needs to be brought forward and reviewed with the Post-Tenure Review  committee. It was noted the “Committee Draft” policy did focus on departmental input as stressed by Senate members and Drs. Trauth and Gratz.

C. Salary Equity Study - Dr. Gratz informed the Senate that equity adjustments had been approved and 60 faculty members were receiving salary equity adjustments. The equity monies had come from merit and reserve monies. In addition, Dr. Gratz indicated that no large equity adjustments (over $1,200) were to be given to any associate vice-presidents or vice presidents.  President Trauth stated  50% of the new resource monies were allocated for faculty dollars.

D. Workload Policy - The Senate noted faculty concerns on reporting of workload and the continuity of implementation of the workload policy across the campus.  Both Dr. Gratz and President Trauth stated management of workload policy needs to take place at the departmental level.  Senate concerns were voiced: (1) as to SWT’s use of 12-hour workload in comparison to the 9-hour workload required at the state level, (2) tenure- track faculty teaching 12 hours, and (3) merit dollars going to research faculty, not those that teach the 4 course/12-hour load.

E. Faculty at Commencement - Senate members raised questions on the requirement written in the faculty handbook to attend two out of four ceremonies. Dr. Gratz noted there may be a need to rethink the issue, especially on freshman convocation. Other areas discussed were: (1) the use of faculty as ushers at graduation ceremonies, and (2) the need to attend two functions since graduation ceremonies for undergraduates and masters were combined. President Trauth noted that we can’t compel  faculty to attend but hopefully they should want to go.

F. Faculty at College Council Meetings - Senate members asked about the possibility of faculty being a part of the college councils. It was in noted some colleges, such as the College of Education, the senate representatives are a part of the council and in other colleges they are not even invited guests. Issue was referred to CAD for discussion.

G. President Trauth announced that she will have open forum times for faculty and staff this semester on a trial basis. If the forums are well attended and productive, she will continue them in the spring semester. The dates are:  Faculty ? October, 29 at 2-3:00 and November 20, at 1:30 to 2:30. Staff ? November, 21 at 2-3:00

H. Monthly Meetings between President and Senate Chair - President Trauth and Chair Renick will meet monthly to review senate objectives.

I. Round Table - Bob Northcutt voiced a concern on budget issues: (1) cash flow and efficiency of monies spent and (2) faculty salary increases in the past have not kept up proportionally with increases in administration salaries and total monies spent for administration. President Trauth stated of the new dollars 50% went to faculty and only 2 new staff positions were added. However, President Trauth noted faculty lines/positions had not increased proportionally with the increased number of students enrolled. Bob Northcutt indicated he saw a need for a revised plan in efficient use of monies, especially in personnel areas.

BREAK  (5:05 - 5:15)

II.  Following the break, the Senate reconvened.

A. Senate Objective, 2002-2003 Update - Senator Frost stated action items for objectives #3 and #5 are in the works, but needed information on objectives #2, #6 and #7. Senator Gillis asked to be added to the list to work on objective #2.

B. Modified Honor Code Update - Senator Blanda informed the senate the Honor Code Referendum is in a holding pattern awaiting the vote on the referendum. Chair Renick asked senators to ask faculty to encourage students to take part in this action and vote on the referendum.

 C. Texas Council  of  Faculty Senates Fall Meeting - Chair Renick and Senators Blanda, Frost and Bell-Metereau will attend the meeting scheduled for October 25 and 26.

III. Old Business (5:40)

 A. Senator Stone asked the status of the IDEA data request. Chair Renick informed the senate a request had been sent. There is a response time frame of 10 working days.

 B. Senator Frost asked what is the current official policy on post-tenure review. Senator Stone informed the senate the only official post-tenure review policy is in the faculty handbook.

IV. New Business (5:50)

A. EMG (consulting firm) to meet with the senate on October 22, 4-5:00pm. In JCK Room 880.

B. Senator Blanda requested that the senate appoint a committee representative to look at the San Antonio MITC Site ? RTA

C. Curriculum Committee - The Senate noted the need to focus on this issue. No specific action at this time.

D. Faculty Senate Minutes for September 25 were accepted. Approval for October 2 minutes RTA.

E. Eric Weller informed the senate of the building concerns in the new art building.  Chair Renick indicated Nancy Nusbaum was to be present at the October 16 senate meeting and she might provide insight on this concern. Eric Weller was asked to return at that time.

Adjournment 6:07