Attachment I



Procedures and Responsibilities for implementing the Affirmative Action/Recruitment Plan at Texas State University


Intended Outcomes:

·         Integrate affirmative action with annual assessment

·         Comply with affirmative action requirements

·         Create, implement and assess actions toward meeting diversity goals


Annual timeline:

September – December:     Data collection on Affirmative Action/Recruitment Plan, Title IX Annual Report, assessment report, and outcomes of previous year’s division and university action plans in compliance with existing laws and policies.


December:                             Annually, Affirmative Action/Recruitment Plan, Title IX Annual Report and the assessment report are analyzed. The Title IX Collaborative and the Equity and Access Committee review the analysis and recommend priorities for the coming year.


E&A January Meeting:        Equity and Access committee, with recommendations from the Title IX Collaborative, sends report to the President’s Cabinet with recommendations


February – March:               Cabinet approves/modifies the recommendations - implementation of action plan by division heads



Documents to be used in this process:


Annual Affirmative Action/Recruitment Plan

Annual Assessment Report

Divisional Action Plans and Outcomes

Data from Institutional Research