Attachment VII


AP-6 Research Advance Reconciliation Form Instructions


Principal Investigator’s Responsibilities


1.     Safeguard all cash and cash equivalents received under the advance.

2.     Collect and submit all required documentation (i.e., receipts, receipt acknowledgments, etc.)

3.     Complete an AP-6 Research Advance Reconciliation Form to clear out actual expenditures against your advance within 30 days of the Use of Funds end date.

4.     Unused funds must be deposited at the Student Business Services Office.  (Deposit information GL 101120 Fund 2025031000.) The deposit receipt must be included as support on the Form AP-6 to be submitted within 30 days of the Use of Funds end date.

5.     Past due advances (any 30 days past Use of Funds end date) will prohibit additional advances being received by the requestor.

6.     Unsubstantiated amounts or expenses not in compliance with university policy are the responsibility of the principal investigator.


Field Instructions



P.I. (Principle Investigator)

Enter the name of the principal investigator responsible for the advance request.


SAP Vendor No.

Enter the vendor number assigned in the accounting system for the requesting investigator.  Refer to the Vendor Maintenance website for instructions on requesting a number or identifying an existing number.


Advance Type

Select the appropriate type of advance received:


a.     One Time

Intended for projects where a relatively moderate advance was needed for a short time frame.


b.      Human Subjects

Intended for one-time advances where study participants (human subjects) was awarded cash or cash equivalents for their participation.


c.      Revolving

Intended for situations where a relatively large advance was needed for a relatively long period of time. Advance was split into several payments during this period.


d.    Number

Enter the number of payments a revolving advance was disbursed.



Enter the research project name for which the funds were used.


Use of Funds End Date

Enter the ending date of the Use of Funds related to these expenditures.


Funds Commitment

Enter the SAP number assigned by the Accounts Payable Office when the advance was issued.


Human Subjects  Reconciliation

For each different monetary level given to the participants, provide the number  given for each



award amount and the award amount.



In Other, list any other expenditure not tied to an award amount.



In Less Advance Requested, enter the amount advanced for human subjects.



In Balance, if research is complete and balance is positive the amount is owed to the employee. If negative, the amount is owed to Texas State. Attach deposit receipt and check the box to indicate receipt is attached. Deposit information is listed. Pending balance is the amount to be reconciled in the future as expenses are incurred.


8.           Research Expense Reconciliation


Total Itemized Expenses

Enter the total amounts of expenses listed in the Expense Itemization Sheets attached.


Total of Prior Reconciliations

Enter the amount submitted and reconciled in prior AP-06, if this is a revolving advance.


Total Expenses To Date

Sum of the two amounts above.


Less Total Amount Advanced

Enter the advance amount(s) received in total for this project.


Balance/Pending Balance

Calculated balance of amounts either requiring future AP-6 reconciliations (research ongoing) or a deposit. If research is complete and balance is positive the amount is owed to the employee. If

negative, the amount is owed to Texas State. Attach deposit receipt and check the box to indicate receipt is attached. Deposit information is listed.




Funding  Source(s)

Funding source should match the source(s) provided on the advance form.




Cost Center

Enter the SAP cost center number.




Enter the SAP fund number.



Internal Order

Enter the SAP grant, funded program or statistical order number.




Enter the expenditure amount to be charged to each funding source combination.




Obtain the appropriate approvals. If the approver is the requesting investigator, approval is required from at least one level higher than the investigator.


Principal Investigator



Academic  Chair

If the amount exceeds $2,500.00

c. d.

Academic  Dean

Office of Sponsored Programs

If the amount exceeds $10,000.00

Required for sponsored projects


AVP for Research

Required for human subject advances and research enhancement projects only


Tax Specialist Review

Required for 1099 review compliance

Effective 1/01/13